The committee have tried dozens of different ways to smoke him out. 为了揭发他,委员会尝试过几十种不同的方法。
Please open the door and windows to let the smoke out. 请打开门窗散散烟。
And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. 他开了无底坑,便有烟从坑里往上冒,好像大火炉的烟。日头和天空,都因这烟昏暗了。
There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it. 从他鼻孔冒烟上腾,从他口中发火焚烧。连炭也着了。
Smoke billows out of bars. 烟气从各酒吧里滚滚而出。
The vent is not big enough to get the smoke out. 通风孔太小,不能让烟排出去。
Blowing tobacco smoke out into the air. 把吸烟产生的烟雾吹向空中。
I can see smoke come out of the window of the house opposite. 我可以看见有烟从对面房子的窗户冒出来。
Our rivals have a new process and I want somebody to smoke it out. 我们的对手有一种新的加工方法,我想派个人去探个究竟。
Smoke came out from under the hood when the car broke down. 当车子出故障的时候,烟从车盖下冒出来。
The clanking tractor went along, shooting smoke out of its belly. 拖拉机铿铿地开了过去,从车肚里喷出烟来。
I don't know when the smoke burns out, if I can bear it. 我不知道当烟燃尽时,我是否能够承受。
I saw thick smoke billowing out of the windows. 我看见窗口里冒出滚滚浓烟。
A new device was put in the chimney and so no harmful dirty smoke spread out. 一种新的装置装入了烟囱,从而有害的污烟便不再冒出来。
Devices in the two chimneys would filter dust from the smoke given out into the air. 两个烟囱里的装置可以滤除排放到空气里去的烟雾中的灰尘。
"Sometimes I get carried away with the macho image; a lost of us do," Officer Pott said, blowing a cloud of cigarette smoke out the window. “有时我为表现男子汉的气概而操之过度,我们很多人的都这样,”警员波特说,同时向窗外喷了一口烟。
People blowing smoke out of their office windows at night. 有人大半夜在办公室里吞云吐雾。
In order to smoke out the whole story, he walked across the whole aera. 为了查明全部事实真相,他走遍了整个地区。
It has done its own version of the autopsy photo. It has added one of a man choking under a respirator and another of a man blowing smoke out of a tracheotomy hole. 美国自己做了一个版本的尸体解剖照片,还有一张戴着呼吸机、几近窒息的男子照片,以及一名男子从气管上切开的一个洞往外吐烟的图片。
If the smoke gets out, the landlady will come up. 如果有烟出去,女房东就会过来。
They got smoke out of the world trade center. 他们看见世贸中心冒出浓烟。
Smoke out the real intentions of sb. 查清楚某人的真实意图。
He noticed black clouds of smoke out the window. 他注意到黑烟从窗户往外冒。
He was determined to smoke out the leaders of the gang, ie bring them out of hiding. 他决心要把匪首从躲藏处赶出来。
Pouring from the top of the candle flame, billows of black smoke blotted out many stars. 滚滚黑烟就从烛焰上方那片烈火中不断喷发出来,把群星都遮暗了。
Therefore they shall be as a morning cloud, and as the early dew that passeth away, as the dust that is driven with a whirlwind out of the floor, and as the smoke out of the chimney. 因此,他们将如黎明的云雾,如易逝的朝露,如禾场上被风卷去的糠秕,如由窗户冒出的烟气。
The smoke coming out of stacks contains a lot of chemical substances that we can make greater use of. 烟囱里冒出的烟尘含有我们能更好地加以利用的大量化学物质。
There was a sudden noise, and blue smoke came out of the ring. 伴着这突如其来的声音,一股青烟从戒指里冒了出来。
I smoke out of habit, not for pleasure. 我抽烟是出于习惯,而不是为了乐趣。
Only retards blow smoke out of their nose. 只有阻止打击从他们的鼻子吸烟。